Software Section

AIDS Trivia

Updated for the 90's:
3rd ed. (Illus.). 42p. (Orig.). 1995. teacher ed, pap. text ed. $14.95 (1-884239-01-3); disk $39.95 (1-884239-02-1) Nova Review

The AIDS prevention game is based on material in the Surgeon General's report on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and its projections, compared to reality in the 90's. To order the limited shareware version, please click below.

Downloadable shareware version available for only $15.00!

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

Drug Culture Monopoly

42p. (Orig.). 1995. pap. text ed. $30.95 (1-884239-04-8) Nova Review A drug education and prevention game (pseudo-Monopoly-style) that was based on real-life experiences of the criminals and addicts of Detroit. Does not include the text materials.

Downloadable shareware version available for only $15.00!

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

For complete version: Game rules, social and psychological aspects of substance abuse, implications for rehabilitation, debriefing questions, and luck and bust cards are available, e-mail

Racial Attitudes Survey
(Also see our Cultural Diversity Test.)

(C). 2004. pap. $29.95 (0-9618567-5-0) Nova Review.Booklets are able to be used with scan sheets like NCS.

This test is for those interested in measuring race relations. This computer-administered survey comprised of questions on Physical, Ego Strength (Dominance, Control, Anxiety, Ethnic, General Social, and on the Job), also rates attitudes from Boss to Marriage Partner in terms of social/sexual contact. Also, the data on an anonymous basis compiles traits as to age, sex, martial status, race, education and other traits.

The RAS was reviewed in "Mental Measurements Yearbook" , 16th early 2005, and has been used by sociologists, public relations professionals, and educators studying prejudice and racial (also ethnic) views of any selected grouping. Greatly improved by psychologists in California.

If interested in this survey, copies can be ordered three different ways:

  • Contact the author by e-mail at
  • Order the Racial Attitudes Survey from Barnes and Noble
  • Or, click the PayBox below to order through

    Downloadable shareware version available for only $25.00!
    Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

    A dealership for marketing NCDT for RAS is also available. To learn more, click here.


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