Phone: [231]796-4637

Nova Review Inc.
Originators of The Heavenly Goldcard® TM.

Individual dealerships can be negotiated.

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding our Nova Review Dealer Program.
Enclosed is our introductory information packet. I hope this will provide some of the
information you need to make a decision regarding your future with our organization.

We feel that our dealership concept is unique in that our package allows us to offer
the business world and banking institutions the best in marketing.

After reading our brochure, I hope you will be interested in further investigation of a Nova Review
dealership of your own. To explore our program in more detail, simply call me or complete and return the Qualification Report. This confidential information will provide us with
some background from which to better discuss how a Nova Review dealership may fit
your situation. After we receive your Qualification Report, I'll forward your our Offering Circular.

Again, thank you for your interest in Nova Review, and I look forward to talking with you soon.


Tom Rundquist

Nova Review, Inc

Phone: 231-796-4637


Dealership Info



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